Revieww : Heroine Make Mascara

Revieww : Heroine Make Mascara

Excuse messy hair!
I look so much more awake with some mascara on! That is all that I have on apart from my brows
Left: without | Right: applied 2 coats of mascara

A little background about my lashes. Typical Asian. I think it really says it all. Mono oily lids, short and straight lashes which looks even shorter when I have my eyes opened, half my lashes are tucked in cause of my mono eyelids. I will say this really is one of my holy grail items! Why? Having tried from the hyped drugstore products to the high end, this product really has never failed me. Even the Benefit They're Real gave me panda eyes... Don't get me wrong, I still love that mascara but not as much as the Heroine Make mascara. 

The one we have here is the Volume and Curl, the wand is pretty standard. They also have a Long and Curl version where the wand is a curl. Because the bristles are not too compacted, I'm still able to separate my lashes and manage to lengthen and volumizes my thin lashes all at once. The product drys on the lash pretty quickly, so I don't have to worry about the mascara transferring because of my mono lids, but it still lasts 3 months before you're suppose to toss it out and get a new mascara. I love it even more because this really is waterproof 'proof'. My proof? I live in a very humid climate and have watery eyes too. Every summer, this is one mascara I do not go out without! The only other reason I say it really is waterproof, I can't get the mascara off without an oil based makeup remover!

So, with mono lids or not like I do, I know many of you suffer oily skin like myself. If you can get your hands on one of these, I'm really recommending it! It's priced at HKD$79 and I can't ask for more. I'm not sponsored to write this but I used to buy this on sasa.com (here), because I know they ship internationally and for a lot of the Asian products, I really did rely and survived on restocking from this website when I use to live back in England. 

** Packaging has changed** 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh this looks like such a good product :) nice review!


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