Silver Style : Home Made Lip Scrub

Silver Style : Home Made Lip Scrub

I'm that sort of person who loves a DIY at home too & this one is for those who love having one of those smooth and kissable lips.

2 heaping tsp Brown Sugar
1 tsp Coconut Oil
1 tsp Honey

Mix the sugar and coconut oil first to prevent any clumps and then combine with the honey at the end and place the lip scrub in a small container. I recommend using small tubs from Muji or other small old containers you have at home. This can be refrigerated for 2 weeks max.

Scrub on lips and leave for about 10-15 mins then wipe it off with cotton pads soaked in warm water. You can also wipe it off when you're in the shower too!

If you don't like the smell or taste of coconut oil, you can replace it with rose water/oil. OR! if you don't pungent floral smell either, replace with extra light virgin oil.

Have fun and make use of what you have at home too!

Food used at home can also make you beautiful inside & out.

With love,
Silvy xx

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