Long Weekend in Brighton - Part 2

Long Weekend in Brighton - Part 2

View from the Breakfast area 

I decided to go for the Mini Full English with muffins / opposite to me is the American Pancakes

So so lucky that the weekend only rained on Saturday morning and the rest was just history (more like just very sunny). Slowly made our way to the pier a little after our breakfast. Went pass the fishing museum and saw one of the scariest puppets in my life.... 

After a walk at the pier, we went into the museum near the palace pavilion and viewed some of the history of Brighton too, as well as many other art and collections left there. 

I laughed because of the placing of the measuring tape in 3500BC

Sat down at the pub near the palace pavilion for a drink before the tour inside 
World Naked Bike Ride
Naked bicyclers and runners protests against car culture and oil dependency

Couldn't resist another bubble tea
Dinner at Fishy Fishy 
Calamari | Grilled Squid 
We shared a Hot Seafood Platter 

Cocktails back at the hotel in the Cocktail Shack 
Leaving back to London, wished we didn't have to go back and stay down in Brighton under the sun. 

Cheeky purchase 

Last brunch by the beach before heading back to London 


  1. I absolutely love Brighton. I visited a few months ago when I was studying in London. The cafe and shops at Northern Lanes are so charming. I only stayed there one day. I wish I could have stayed as long as you. Maybe next time.

    1. I would also love to go back there again too!! Maybe a day trip during the weekend would be good too! since it's only less than an hour train away from London !! Hope you had a lovely weekend x


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