Medieval Times

Medieval Times

A light lunch before heading to the Medieval Times venue. I will say thing first though, I was actually expecting it to be very kiddy and boy was I wrong... Don't know why I've never been when I was over in Atlanta actually... maybe it's because my sister and I were going through that phase where we thought we were too cool for school. But then again, I'm never too old to visit the Coca Cola Factory anytime or any age at all! 

I managed to try First Knight

Tonight's Menu 

Yes... Medieval Times.. Really, no cutlery 

Our lovely Waitress for the evening

If you do go, definitely bring some wet wipes with you!! Unless you want to be licking and slurping on your fingers when you're heading out of the venue. 

A lovely sunset to end with the evening 

1 comment

  1. Because mahjong with your grandma always voted ahead of medieval times in Atlanta!


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