

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal with English Muffin 
The first full day was actually at sea so when we finally go to Ketchikan bright and early, breakfast it was and off we went into town to have a walk. 

We were given this voucher in a book on board so we might as well go to the shop and get a 99p worth tee for good memory right? 

Was very tempted to get this furry hat but in the end, I thought to myself, Hong Kong will never be cold enough for this apart from a good Halloween costume. Looks nice though huh? 

The original Dolly's now a House Museum. Day shift is open for tourist reasons, night shift closed at 1953. A little bit of a red light district back in the day by the famous madam, Dolly Arthur on Creek Street. 

"If I ain't in my house, I ain't makin' no money" 
- Dolly Arthur

Went into Creek Street for a little wonder around. 


After a walk around Ketchikan, I ended up getting this Go Raw Ginger Snap snack back onto the cruise. Thought it would be a good snack on the way with some red wine later the day when the cruise leaves port again and on route we went! 

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