

It's been a while since I've posted any beauty related looks here and everything has been on instagram. It has been a nice change to see that different people do prefer different platforms.

SO! To create this look, I've only used two main products.

Makeup Forever Ultra HD Concealer
Shu Uemura Matte Supreme MPK02 Liquid Lipstick

Starting with my base, no foundation, with only concealer where it is only needed, mainly around my eyes and jaw area. 

I've only used the smallest dot of product (being very literal here) onto my eyelids and blended that as quickly as I could before the product sets. Concentrating most on the eyelid and blended it upwards to get more of a transitional look. Since I have the typical Asian eyes, I do have more space to play with. Could have blended it even further to my brows too. I then used an eyeliner brush and created my usual winged eyeliner. 

I mixed a dab of liquid lipstick onto my hand and mixed it with some concealer on the side to get the colour tone that I wanted. It's soft, it's pink, can't go wrong with a dolly's cheeks. 
Lips. I put a little product onto the centre of my lips and blended it out with my finger tips, I normally pout and push the product in to give that "I've been kissed alot lips look". My lips are pretty dry at the moment and you can see patches of skin is because I have that annoying habit of biting my lower lip ( any time of the day), especially when I'm thinking what's needed to be done next. 
Finish off with powder where you needed, mascara of your choice.
Perhaps a little bit of a sparkle in the centre of your lids to give a bit of bling.
Create the look to suit yourself.

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