Beyond #100HappyDays

Beyond #100HappyDays

There are beyond 100 of the #100happydays photos here and I'm so glad and quite proud that I even managed to do it. In the beginning, it really was hard to keep up with finding what made me happy daily. Well, turns out, every day, there was at least one thing that really can cheer one's mood up even if you're in the slump. I wanted to challenge myself with this ever since I found out I have cancer. Ever since then, I really do question a myself alot more than usual. Since I felt like part of me, has left me, hoping that giving this challenge a go might be able to regroup myself mentally and emotionally, slowly somehow.

Being honest, I don't have as many friends left in Hong Kong, everyone seems to have moved on to different places for their good. Though, making new friends and making short trips have definitely made time fly by faster than I thought it would when I was feeling at my lowest. Learning something new, reading motivational quotes and friends and family visiting from far away really did make each day easier.

 It's really opened my eyes that we all can live day by day with a happy thought(s). For each photo I look back from this challenge, I remember each one specifically. No wonder people say a photo is worth more than a thousand words. Not gona lie, I was struggling (still am...) but if anyone's going to try to do this #100HappyDays Challenge, I really do recommend it.

If you wanna see all my photos from Instagram it's on @stephlui88

So what are you waiting for? Go to 100happydays.com. Give it a go! Who knows what will happen? 

With love,
Silvy xxx


  1. Followed you on Insta miss! Good job finding the happiness in every single day that goes by, that's no easy task... I struggle with it myself. Can't wait to keep up with Hong Kong from the comfort of good old New Jersey!

    Victoria Sneden

  2. Thank you lovely! You should give it a go too! It'll surprise you how fast time flies when you don't count it. Though, I did lose count at some point... x


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